21 Days of Prayer & Fasting


As we kick off 2020 and lead up to World Mandate, we are unifying in prayer and fasting to contend for revival and breakthrough in the core values and vision God has called us to live out as a community. We believe that during this time of prayer & fasting God will release a church wide breakthrough in JOY - joy in our relationship with God, joy in our character, joy in marriages, and families. Ways you can engage:

  1. Participate in the suggested Fast (see Participation Guide).

  2. Pray your ONE BIG THING during these 21 Days (see resource below). Share with your group and link arms to pray!

  3. Pray the DAILY DECLARATION (see resource below).

  4. Pray with your community. Join us in prayer on Sunday morning and in Life Group. In addition, join us for one of the Thursday Prayer Gatherings (see Participation Guide).

Here IMPORTANT resources to help you engage during this time:

We are excited to see all that God will do as we humble ourselves and make room to seek His face.

Zach Daniel