James Reading Plan - Week 2
Week of: July 19-25th Text For The Week: James 1.19-2.26, 5.1-6
Intro: The Book of James contains God’s wisdom for so many of the issues we are facing in these days. From July 12 - August 15th Antioch is doing a 5-week study and time of reflection and application on these Scriptures. Each week, our Sunday sermon will teach through the portion of the text we will be focusing on that week. Then during the week, we will provide a reading plan to help you to marinate on the truths found in these texts through the DNA method of Bible Study.
D= Discover The Truth of God’s Word
As you read the text, reflect back on the teaching from the sermon or use your sermon notes to study the meaning of the text.
If you would like to dig even deeper into the meaning, here are a few resources to help:
Tony Evans Bible Commentary: This gives commentary on all of Scripture, including James.
The Letter of James by Scot McKnight This gives deep, specific commentary on James.
N= Nurture The Word In Your Heart
Having studied the meaning of the text, in this step we focus on why these truths are meaningful. In the Discovery portion, we are filling our minds with truth. In this portion, we are letting the goodness and beauty of God’s Word fill our hearts.
Here are some ways to do that each day this week:
Take time to read through the Scripture slowly and notice any word or phrase that the Holy Spirit highlights to you. Sit with that word or phrase and savor the sweetness of it.
Take a portion of the Scripture and turn it into a worship song that you sing to the Lord
Memorize a portion or all of the Scripture
Re-write it in your own words to internalize the meaning
Pray the Scripture back to the Lord. Thank Him for these words, ask him to help you live them.
A= Apply it To Your Life
What implications does this Scripture have for your life? How can you not just be a hearer of God’s word, but be someone who puts it into practice and builds your life on these truths? What is God calling you to do in response to this word? Write these things down, and if possible share what God is teaching you with someone else in your life.