Be Renewed In The Spirit of Your Mind

As we move forward in 2021, we are studying through the book of Ephesians in a new teaching series all about our calling as sons and daughters of the King to be renewed in our mindsets, identity and focus on Jesus and His Kingdom. 

To move from information to transformation, we are launching an 8-week challenge to help you build a renewed, more life-giving mindset. We believe a better you leads to a better world around you. 

Zach Daniel
21 Days of Prayer And Fasting Guide - 2021

Hosea 10.12 Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.

After 2020, the image of the fallow, barren, hardened ground is a profound word picture to describe how so many of us feel. It is in this place that God invites us into the process of breaking up the hard and dry soil of our lives, that He might pour out the rain of His Spirit and bring a time of justice, renewal, and new life.

To that invitation, we respond, "Holy Spirit Come."

In these 21 days of Prayer and Fasting, from January 10th to January 31st, we are seeking God for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our midst and for our city.

Download the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting Guide to join in the fast!

Zach Daniel
Selah Guide
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Psalm 66:4 “All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah. “

Luke 4.1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness...


Hello Church!

Welcome to the Selah Sunday Experience Guide.

Selah is a term used throughout the Psalms. The Strong’s Concordance lists the definition of the term as suspension (of music), i.e. pause. Many believe it was placed strategically in portions of the Psalms to challenge listeners to pause and reflect on what has been. 

The life of Jesus was marked by times of drawing away from the crowds and “pausing” to go into lonely places to commune with the Father. It is in these wilderness places that the noise that fills our lives fades away long enough for us to begin to discern the voice of the Lord in fresh ways.

Our hope is that this guide would help you pull away from the crowd, to selah, to go into the wilderness, and to encounter the Lord.

With Love,

Pastor Zach Daniel

Zach Daniel
James Reading Plan - Week 5
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Week of: Aug 2- Aug 8 Text For The Week: James 5.1-20

Intro: The Book of James contains God’s wisdom for so many of the issues we are facing in these days. From July 12 - August 15th Antioch is doing a 5-week study and time of reflection and application on these Scriptures. Each week, our Sunday sermon will teach through the portion of the text we will be focusing on that week. Then during the week, we will provide a reading plan to help you to marinate on the truths found in these texts through the DNA method of Bible Study. 

D= Discover The Truth of God’s Word

As you read the text, reflect back on the teaching from the sermon or use your sermon notes to study the meaning of the text. 

If you would like to dig even deeper into the meaning, here are a few resources to help:

N= Nurture The Word In Your Heart

Having studied the meaning of the text, in this step we focus on why these truths are meaningful. In the Discovery portion, we are filling our minds with truth. In this portion, we are letting the goodness and beauty of God’s Word fill our hearts. 

Here are some ways to do that each day this week:

  • Take time to read through the Scripture slowly and notice any word or phrase that the Holy Spirit highlights to you. Sit with that word or phrase and savor the sweetness of it. 

  • Take a portion of the Scripture and turn it into a worship song that you sing to the Lord

  • Memorize a portion or all of the Scripture

  • Re-write it in your own words to internalize the meaning

  • Pray the Scripture back to the Lord. Thank Him for these words, ask him to help you live them. 

A= Apply it To Your Life

What implications does this Scripture have for your life? How can you not just be a hearer of God’s word, but be someone who puts it into practice and builds your life on these truths? What is God calling you to do in response to this word? Write these things down, and if possible share what God is teaching you with someone else in your life.

Zach Daniel
James Reading Plan - Week 4
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Week of: Aug 2- Aug 8 Text For The Week: James 4.1-17

Intro: The Book of James contains God’s wisdom for so many of the issues we are facing in these days. From July 12 - August 15th Antioch is doing a 5-week study and time of reflection and application on these Scriptures. Each week, our Sunday sermon will teach through the portion of the text we will be focusing on that week. Then during the week, we will provide a reading plan to help you to marinate on the truths found in these texts through the DNA method of Bible Study. 

D= Discover The Truth of God’s Word

As you read the text, reflect back on the teaching from the sermon or use your sermon notes to study the meaning of the text. 

If you would like to dig even deeper into the meaning, here are a few resources to help:

N= Nurture The Word In Your Heart

Having studied the meaning of the text, in this step we focus on why these truths are meaningful. In the Discovery portion, we are filling our minds with truth. In this portion, we are letting the goodness and beauty of God’s Word fill our hearts. 

Here are some ways to do that each day this week:

  • Take time to read through the Scripture slowly and notice any word or phrase that the Holy Spirit highlights to you. Sit with that word or phrase and savor the sweetness of it. 

  • Take a portion of the Scripture and turn it into a worship song that you sing to the Lord

  • Memorize a portion or all of the Scripture

  • Re-write it in your own words to internalize the meaning

  • Pray the Scripture back to the Lord. Thank Him for these words, ask him to help you live them. 

A= Apply it To Your Life

What implications does this Scripture have for your life? How can you not just be a hearer of God’s word, but be someone who puts it into practice and builds your life on these truths? What is God calling you to do in response to this word? Write these things down, and if possible share what God is teaching you with someone else in your life.

Zach Daniel
James Reading Plan - Week 3
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Week of: July 26th - Aug 1 Text For The Week: James 3.1-17

Intro: The Book of James contains God’s wisdom for so many of the issues we are facing in these days. From July 12 - August 15th Antioch is doing a 5-week study and time of reflection and application on these Scriptures. Each week, our Sunday sermon will teach through the portion of the text we will be focusing on that week. Then during the week, we will provide a reading plan to help you to marinate on the truths found in these texts through the DNA method of Bible Study. 

D= Discover The Truth of God’s Word

As you read the text, reflect back on the teaching from the sermon or use your sermon notes to study the meaning of the text. 

If you would like to dig even deeper into the meaning, here are a few resources to help:

N= Nurture The Word In Your Heart

Having studied the meaning of the text, in this step we focus on why these truths are meaningful. In the Discovery portion, we are filling our minds with truth. In this portion, we are letting the goodness and beauty of God’s Word fill our hearts. 

Here are some ways to do that each day this week:

  • Take time to read through the Scripture slowly and notice any word or phrase that the Holy Spirit highlights to you. Sit with that word or phrase and savor the sweetness of it. 

  • Take a portion of the Scripture and turn it into a worship song that you sing to the Lord

  • Memorize a portion or all of the Scripture

  • Re-write it in your own words to internalize the meaning

  • Pray the Scripture back to the Lord. Thank Him for these words, ask him to help you live them. 

A= Apply it To Your Life

What implications does this Scripture have for your life? How can you not just be a hearer of God’s word, but be someone who puts it into practice and builds your life on these truths? What is God calling you to do in response to this word? Write these things down, and if possible share what God is teaching you with someone else in your life.

Zach Daniel
James Reading Plan - Week 2
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Week of: July 19-25th Text For The Week: James 1.19-2.26, 5.1-6

Intro: The Book of James contains God’s wisdom for so many of the issues we are facing in these days. From July 12 - August 15th Antioch is doing a 5-week study and time of reflection and application on these Scriptures. Each week, our Sunday sermon will teach through the portion of the text we will be focusing on that week. Then during the week, we will provide a reading plan to help you to marinate on the truths found in these texts through the DNA method of Bible Study. 

D= Discover The Truth of God’s Word

As you read the text, reflect back on the teaching from the sermon or use your sermon notes to study the meaning of the text. 

If you would like to dig even deeper into the meaning, here are a few resources to help:

N= Nurture The Word In Your Heart

Having studied the meaning of the text, in this step we focus on why these truths are meaningful. In the Discovery portion, we are filling our minds with truth. In this portion, we are letting the goodness and beauty of God’s Word fill our hearts. 

Here are some ways to do that each day this week:

  • Take time to read through the Scripture slowly and notice any word or phrase that the Holy Spirit highlights to you. Sit with that word or phrase and savor the sweetness of it. 

  • Take a portion of the Scripture and turn it into a worship song that you sing to the Lord

  • Memorize a portion or all of the Scripture

  • Re-write it in your own words to internalize the meaning

  • Pray the Scripture back to the Lord. Thank Him for these words, ask him to help you live them. 

A= Apply it To Your Life

What implications does this Scripture have for your life? How can you not just be a hearer of God’s word, but be someone who puts it into practice and builds your life on these truths? What is God calling you to do in response to this word? Write these things down, and if possible share what God is teaching you with someone else in your life.

Zach Daniel
James Reading Plan - Week 1
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Week of: July 12-18th Text For The Week: James 1.1-18, 5.7-12

Intro: The Book of James contains God’s wisdom for so many of the issues we are facing in these days. From July 12 - August 15th Antioch is doing a 5-week study and time of reflection and application on these Scriptures. Each week, our Sunday sermon will teach through the portion of the text we will be focusing on that week. Then during the week, we will provide a reading plan to help you to marinate on the truths found in these texts through the DNA method of Bible Study. 

D= Discover The Truth of God’s Word

As you read the text, reflect back on the teaching from the sermon or use your sermon notes to study the meaning of the text. Here is a link to the sermon teaching on this text:

If you would like to dig even deeper into the meaning, here are a few resources to help:

N= Nurture The Word In Your Heart

Having studied the meaning of the text, in this step we focus on why these truths are meaningful. In the Discovery portion, we are filling our minds with truth. In this portion, we are letting the goodness and beauty of God’s Word fill our hearts. 

Here are some ways to do that each day this week:

  • Take time to read through the Scripture slowly and notice any word or phrase that the Holy Spirit highlights to you. Sit with that word or phrase and savor the sweetness of it. 

  • Take a portion of the Scripture and turn it into a worship song that you sing to the Lord

  • Memorize a portion or all of the Scripture

  • Re-write it in your own words to internalize the meaning

  • Pray the Scripture back to the Lord. Thank Him for these words, ask him to help you live them. 

A= Apply it To Your Life

What implications does this Scripture have for your life? How can you not just be a hearer of God’s word, but be someone who puts it into practice and builds your life on these truths? What is God calling you to do in response to this word? Write these things down, and if possible share what God is teaching you with someone else in your life.

Zach Daniel
Juneteenth Prayer Guide
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On June 19, 1865 Major Gordon Granger landed on the shores of Galveston, TX with the news that the Civil War had ended and all the enslaved were free. Texas was the last state to be made aware of the Emancipation Proclamation President Abraham Lincoln signed 2 years prior, on January 1, 1863, and where he proclaimed, “And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves ... are, and henceforward shall be free.”

This powerful proclamation was made during the American Civil War where our nation was in a time of upheaval. Today, our nation is in an upheaval where protests and advocacy groups are calling national, state and local authorities to acknowledge that racism is still rampant in our society’s laws and practices that continue to devalue, in particular, our black brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors. As long as racism exists, we as the church must continue to rise up in prayer and action to eradicate this evil sin and see one another as God sees us—His sons and daughters who are created in His image. 

Therefore, on June 19, 2020 we challenge you to take a stand against racism by joining together to pray and fast for God to break the stronghold of racism over our nation, city and neighborhoods. We encourage you to set aside at least one meal to pray and follow the guide below so that, united under the banner of Christ and His love for us, we can together stand in the gap for our black brothers, sisters, neighbors and friends.

Prayer Guide



  • Take time to rejoice in the fact that God knows man’s every detail (Psalm 139:14; Matthew 10:29-30; 

  • Rejoice that God is able to sympathize with man and our weakness (Hebrews 4:15-16)


  • Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any offensive way in you (Psalm 139:24)

  • Ask God to stand against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12) that seek to keep our nation, city and neighborhoods bound up in racism. 

  • Ask God to move on the hearts of government officials, law enforcement and individuals to do right, pursue justice, seek peace and defend the oppressed so that our city will prosper (Isaiah 1:16; Jeremiah 29:7; 1 Timothy 2:1-2).


  • Begin to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is revealing in your own heart and allow Him to bring healing, wholeness and greater clarity on how to be for, not against, people of color (1 John 3:11-24).

  • Take action on what the Holy Spirit is leading you to take action in (1 John 4:16-21).

Zach Daniel
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

As we kick off 2020 and lead up to World Mandate, we are unifying in prayer and fasting to contend for revival and breakthrough in the core values and vision God has called us to live out as a community. We believe that during this time of prayer & fasting God will release a church wide breakthrough in JOY - joy in our relationship with God, joy in our character, joy in marriages, and families. Ways you can engage:

  1. Participate in the suggested Fast (see Participation Guide).

  2. Pray your ONE BIG THING during these 21 Days (see resource below). Share with your group and link arms to pray!

  3. Pray the DAILY DECLARATION (see resource below).

  4. Pray with your community. Join us in prayer on Sunday morning and in Life Group. In addition, join us for one of the Thursday Prayer Gatherings (see Participation Guide).

Here IMPORTANT resources to help you engage during this time:

We are excited to see all that God will do as we humble ourselves and make room to seek His face.

Zach Daniel
Prayer Challenge: Silence

This week’s prayer challenge is about utilizing silence as a means of prayer (video link).

This week's prayer challenge is about silence in prayer.

Zach Daniel
Prayer Challenge: A Place to Pray

This is part 3 of our Growing In Prayer Challenge. One of the habits that Jesus had in his prayer life was that of finding a consistent place to pray. In this week’s challenge (video link) you will be inspired to do the same:

Growing in prayer through finding a consistent place to pray.

Zach Daniel
Prayer Challenge: Prayer Shapes Us

This is part 2 in our prayer challenge. One of the things that praying in the way of Jesus does is that it shapes us. It forms and reforms our desires, our perspective, our loves and our character. You can learn more about this aspect of prayer in this weeks video:

Zach Daniel
Prayer Challenge: Foundations

We are starting a fresh series on focused on growing in prayer. Almost every religion prays. Almost every person religious or not prays. But there was something about the way Jesus prayed that caused his disciples to stop him and ask, “Teach us to pray!”

In this series we learn how to pray from Jesus.

Each week there will be a new video challenge to help you grow in prayer!

Zach Daniel
How To Study The Bible

God’s Word is packed with power, potential, and provision. But how do you read, understand and consistently apply the Bible?

The following is a simple method, that when done with dependence on the Holy Spirit, can produce robust results. It is geared around the acronym DNA:

D: Discover The Meaning

N: Nurture The Seed

A: Apply It In Your Life

D: Discover The Meaning:

Whether you are a novice or a biblical expert, whether you are studying a single passage of Scripture or an entire book, our starting point is seeking to discover the meaning. Because the Scriptures were written long ago, to a particular people in a specific time, it can take some work for us to grasp what it truly says. After taking the time to read the passage or book for yourself, take some time to learn from a Bible commentary or two to help shape your understanding of what the text means.

The Bible Project is a great place to get started in looking at commentaries. The site and accompanying resources are free and accessible to beginners and seasoned saints alike. For each book, there is an overview video, an infographic and recommended resources to go deeper.

You will want to write down, either in a journal or something like Evernote, what you learn as you discover the meaning. Over the coming weeks and years, these journals become resources for you to look back on.

Nurture The Seed:

In Luke 8, Jesus tells us that God’s word is a seed that gets sown in our lives and has the potential to bear tremendous fruit. In that same teaching, we see that we have a responsibility to nurture the seed of God’s word in our lives. For thousands of years disciples of Jesus have utilized meditation on Scripture as a way to nurture the seed of God’s word (Psalm 1).

To meditate on Scripture spend time slowly reflecting on the Word. You can do this by reading it slowly, savoring each word. You can do this by praying the Scripture back to the Lord. You can do this by signing the word (Ephesians 5). At this time you are not so much feeding your mind, as feeding your spirit.

Apply It In Your Life

Jesus taught that those who apply His word to their lives are like wise builders, who build their lives on a firm foundation. Based on what you read, how does this speak to how you need to respond? Sometimes the application is a promise you need to believe, other times the application is an action you need to do. Trust the Holy Spirit to show you how you need to apply the Word. It also helps to talk it through with a trusted Christian mentor or friend.

Zach Daniel
Day 21: Storing Up Oil

Theme For The Series: In this 21 day Advent devotional we are focusing on anticipation and the Incarnation, Christ’s presence In the world, and the return of the King.

Today is the final day of this devotional series! We hope it has helped you grow in Christ in this holiday season!

Intro Prayer: “Jesus, please help me in this time to be fully present to You and to myself that I may commune with You for the sake of your glory and the world around me.”

Silence: In this time, try and become silent before the Lord both internally and externally for 5 minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to stillness.

Praise: Bless the Lord by declaring these truths about Him!

“You are my refuge, rescuer and rest. You reign in majesty and splendor. You rule will know no end. You are a rock that I can stand on. You are the resurrection and the life. You revive my spirit when I am tired. You restore my life and rescue me from my enemies.”

Devotional: As we finish our devotional series and celebrate Christ’s incarnation, we will close by reflecting on one last parable Christ gave to inspire and instruct us with regard to his return. As you consider Christmas, let His words motivate you to live a life that stores up the oil of God’s presence as you await His return.

Scripture: Read today’s text slowly. Feed your spirit on the words. Your goal in this time is to commune with Jesus through His Word. Take note as you sense His Presence.

Matthew 25.1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’

12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’

13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Worship: Worship forms the truths of Scripture deep within our lives. This week we will be worshipping to the song Silent Night performed by Hillsong. Lyrics are listed below as well. (If you are reading this via email, here is the link to the video.)

“Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born

Christ, Christ, the Savior

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born.”

Listen: Take time to listen to the Holy Spirit. Write down anything you sense the Lord speaking.

Obedience: What from today is the Lord calling you to put in practice? Could be to pray for someone, to call someone, to serve someone etc.

Day 20: The Grave Is Not The End

Theme For The Series: In this 21 day Advent devotional we are focusing on anticipation and the Incarnation, Christ’s presence In the world, and the return of the King.

Intro Prayer: “Jesus, please help me in this time to be fully present to You and to myself that I may commune with You for the sake of your glory and the world around me.”

Silence: In this time, try and become silent before the Lord both internally and externally for 5 minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to stillness.

Praise: Bless the Lord by declaring these truths about Him!

“You are powerful and present. You provide generously for me. You are my protector and my priest. You are the Prince of Peace and you are pure in heart. You pick me up when I fall and you persevere with me in my failings.”

Devotional: And while we look ahead to the return of Jesus, it means incredible news- the grave is not the end. When Christ returns, he will raise his people from the grave. This hope was so powerful and meaningful to early Christians that when they were preparing to be baptized, they would gather around tombs to let it sink deep that the grave was not the end. John Chrysostom said that the graves of believers were “tombs with life, tombs that give voice.”

As you meditate on Scripture today, let the power of Christ’s return sink in!

Scripture: Read today’s text slowly. Feed your spirit on the words. Your goal in this time is to commune with Jesus through His Word. Take note as you sense His Presence.

1 Thessalonians 4.13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

Worship: Worship forms the truths of Scripture deep within our lives. This week we will be worshipping to the song Silent Night performed by Hillsong. Lyrics are listed below as well. (If you are reading this via email, here is the link to the video.)

“Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born

Christ, Christ, the Savior

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born.”

Listen: Take time to listen to the Holy Spirit. Write down anything you sense the Lord speaking.

Obedience: What from today is the Lord calling you to put in practice? Could be to pray for someone, to call someone, to serve someone etc.

Day 19: Like A Thief In The Night

Theme For The Series: In this 21 day Advent devotional we are focusing on anticipation and the Incarnation, Christ’s presence In the world, and the return of the King.

Intro Prayer: “Jesus, please help me in this time to be fully present to You and to myself that I may commune with You for the sake of your glory and the world around me.”

Silence: In this time, try and become silent before the Lord both internally and externally for 5 minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to stillness.

Praise: Bless the Lord by declaring these truths about Him!

“You are the only begotten of the Father who overcame death and Hell. You are omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. You open up life before me. You are the one true God who gave yourself as an offering to save us.”

Devotional: And while we look ahead to the return of Jesus, we are told over and over again, that no one knows the day or hour, but that his return will be like a thief in the night. This metaphor rather than to discourage us is meant to awaken watchfulness so that we do not get lulled into the lie that this world is all there is.

Scripture: Read today’s text slowly. Feed your spirit on the words. Your goal in this time is to commune with Jesus through His Word. Take note as you sense His Presence.

1 Thessalonians 5.1 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Worship: Worship forms the truths of Scripture deep within our lives. This week we will be worshipping to the song Silent Night performed by Hillsong. Lyrics are listed below as well. (If you are reading this via email, here is the link to the video.)

“Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born

Christ, Christ, the Savior

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born.”

Listen: Take time to listen to the Holy Spirit. Write down anything you sense the Lord speaking.

Obedience: What from today is the Lord calling you to put in practice? Could be to pray for someone, to call someone, to serve someone etc.

Day 18: Looking Toward His Return is Purifying

Theme For The Series: In this 21 day Advent devotional we are focusing on anticipation and the Incarnation, Christ’s presence In the world, and the return of the King.

Intro Prayer: “Jesus, please help me in this time to be fully present to You and to myself that I may commune with You for the sake of your glory and the world around me.”

Silence: In this time, try and become silent before the Lord both internally and externally for 5 minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to stillness.

Praise: Bless the Lord by declaring these truths about Him!

“You are the name above all names, who never fails and never grows tired or weary. You are the One who draws near, and you are making all things new. You sit in the heavens and need nothing.”

Devotional: Some say it is a waste of time to consider the return of Jesus, that it is more important to get on with the here and now. But the Scriptures presents an opposite view- that our hope of his future return, purifies our lives in the here and now.

When I was engaged to my soon-to-be wife, the upcoming wedding motivated me to eat better, workout harder, take better care of myself and get my house in order among other things. It was purifying. The same is true for us as we look to Jesus’s return.

Scripture: Read today’s text slowly. Feed your spirit on the words. Your goal in this time is to commune with Jesus through His Word. Take note as you sense His Presence.

1 John 3.3 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3 All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

Worship: Worship forms the truths of Scripture deep within our lives. This week we will be worshipping to the song Silent Night performed by Hillsong. Lyrics are listed below as well. (If you are reading this via email, here is the link to the video.)

“Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born

Christ, Christ, the Savior

Christ, Christ, the Savior is born.”

Listen: Take time to listen to the Holy Spirit. Write down anything you sense the Lord speaking.

Obedience: What from today is the Lord calling you to put in practice? Could be to pray for someone, to call someone, to serve someone etc.